Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Religion of Niceness

I was raised Roman Catholic by a mother who went to a Catholic elementary school, who would go to mass every day during lent, and who made sure that we did not miss a week of mass - even if we were on vacation in Disney World! The term "Catholic Guilt," while overused, if not cliched, was and still is alive and well.

As my wife and I raise our children, like most parents, we begin to analyze and question the traditions, actions, and dogma attached to our own childhood. We were raised in different neighborhoods, by different parents, with different sets of priorities. Neither one of us would call our childhoods perfect, nor would we call them bad. They were what they were and we have been molded into adults as a result. So now two people with two different upbringings are to come together to create and raise a new family, with a unique set of experiences born from the support or disdain for the way our parents raised us.

What we did have in common was an indoctrination of kindness. The lesson of treat others nicely, fairly, and honestly.

My mom would call this being a "Good Christian" Really she meant a "Good Catholic." I call it being a good human being.

I currently have, or have had in the past, co-workers, acquaintances, and friends who were/are Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, Lutheran, Muslim, Protestant, Episcopalian, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Born Again, . . . etc. I also have/had those in my life who were/are Agnostic and/or Atheist.

What is funny to me, is you never hear people referred to as "Good Buddists," "Good Jews," or "Good Atheists." Christians LOVE to say that they are "Being Christian." What does that mean?

My younger daughter is about to receive her First Holy Communion. She has been going to CCD (Church School) for a couple years to lead up to this event. With all the PG-13 action that happens in the bible, chances are she really does not understand what her faith is based on. She just wants to "Get the wafer." I view this event as a rite of passage for her, for she will be able to fully participate in the mass. Another sign of our baby growing up, but I'm not feeling the "rush" my mother is regarding this event.

The amount of meetings I have attended leading up to this really brings me to question the entire process. My mother feels you "Have to believe in something, otherwise what is the point of this life. God put you on this Earth so you can earn your place in Heaven." EARN my place in Heaven.?

The woman who runs the CCD program told the children that they can be friends with Jesus again, once they went to confession. Because a seven-year-old might have been sassy to her sister (which she can be) or to her parents (which she isn't) Jesus is not her friend right now?

My father says that you need to go to church because Jesus gave his life and the least you could do is give him one hour a week. My dad is known to fall asleep during the homily (sermon). I can nap in my living room just the same. You are not suddenly a good person because you go to church. It doesn't make you a "Better Catholic" because you go to church. I used to sit with people in church who are now in jail for extortion, murder, drugs, and so-called organized crime. Are they suddenly "Good Catholics" because they went to church and put some cash in the collection box? Are they "Better Catholics" than me because they went to church in between not-so-nice activities?

There are other stories of blind faith and the silly man-made rules that go along with organized religion that I have recently dealt with, but I think you get the point I'm getting to.

Some Others' Thoughts on Religion:

Jesse Ventura: “Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers.”

I am not as bold as those men to subscribe to such damning of one's beliefs. I have a good friend who is a devout Christian (NOT Catholic) who finds great solace in the sense of community his church brings him. His church does not have the rules and rituals found in the faiths of the Catholics, Muslims, Jews, or Greek Orthodox, etc. It is a place where he meets with like-minded "GOOD" people who care about the welfare of others. They do it in the name of Jesus Christ, which is what seems to binds them. I used to attend meetings about THomas Edison regarding innovation and education. Thomas Edison was what bound us. My friend is a GOOD person who cares about others. Being there makes him feel good. Anything that make you feel complete, that does not do you nor another individual harm, is alright by me. However, wars are waged, and prejudice abounds in the name of God. It is GOD's fault we go to war or slander our neighbor . . .?


I DO believe in something. That belief is in myself and my loved ones and in perpetuating kindness and love throughout the world. I believe in taking care of our planet, and of encouraging people to follow their passion to make the world and their lives better.
I believe in being A GOOD PERSON. . . . A GOOD HUMAN BEING!! Good to all, regardless of their race, creed, or sex, or sexual preference.

I propose a global religion based on Kindness, or what we call here as THE NICENESS INITIATIVE . . . . just BE NICE!

I don't know if there is a life after the one we have right now, I am only certain that at this moment in time I am keying into my MacBook in sunny New Jersey on an Earth that I have inhabited for the past 42 years. I am in NO rush to see if my mom or anyone's mom who subscribes to the fear and superstitions associated with religion are correct. I support stem cells, and hope that they allow me to live to be 250 years old. If there is a heaven, I'd imagine that after 250 years, my wife would become an instant saint, if she hasn't already.

If there is a heaven, I will apologize to God, and he will forgive me, because I was told that is what he does. =) If I've lived a good life, he will forgive my lack of faith founded in my need for concrete proof. I will have it, I will apologize, he will forgive me, and I'll get myself a new Mac and blog about it - I am SURE, if there is a God, he/she uses a Mac. . . =)

AMEN. . . . Ooops, I mean. . . THE END. . . =)

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