Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Humble, Naked Return

Hello everyone in the blogoshpere. I have been away for a couple months taking care of some "business" so I can establish a base from which to launch more of the lessons, insights, or maybe better categorized as rantings =) that you have been kind enough to support since I started this early last year. During my time away I have had some experiences that have provided me with some insights I would love to share with you.

Since my last entry, I have begun the process of building production studios in a 12,000 sq. ft. building we are purchasing in Fairfield, NJ, and I have gone back into education as a principal of a school for hearing impaired children.

I humbly return after the struggles of going through the process of convincing a bank to trust me with a large sum of money, and the process of convincing a board that the six years I spent away from education would make me a more insightful educator.

Fortunately, I have been able to make it through both exercises. We are still awaiting the ridiculousness of the NJDEP to environmentally approve our building's neighborhood, although the building's lot itself was deemed safe. So I AM a principal, as I write this, but I am NOT yet a building owner.

Today is the first day I have been able to sit an take a breathe and really reflect on the past three months away, and I realized the valuable lesson I learned through the process. I stated how humble I feel, because this experience has done just that. . . humbled me.

I have been very fortunate in my life to have had success at an early age. I was a school administrator at 28, and have been nominated for an Emmy for each of my first three television specials. When that kind of fortune comes your way, you might take for granted that it is not special, but expected. Sometimes your view of the world and reality become a bit skewed. I am not saying I did not realize what was happening to me was special and that I was lucky, I was just not aware of how lucky I truly was. It took forced introspection and total transparency to have me truly see how lucky I am and how lucky I continue to be.

If you are feeling a bit "off" or are having trouble connecting with your authentic self, then I recommend you try to do two things:
1.) Attempt to refinance your home or borrow a large sum of money, while not receiving a regular paycheck
2.) Put together a resume, attempt to get interviews, and then actually go through with them.

Nothing will be more humbling than the process of convincing someone to bring you in for an interview and/or the process of a lender going through your entire professional and/or financial history.

Both activities will make you stand in front of the proverbial mirror and look at your life in a really naked, raw manner. Just like the first time you put on your bathing suit, after a winter of baggy sweaters, you might not like what you see. Admitting where you need to improve yourself is the first step in making your life more enriching and fulfilling. You have to be willing to see your naked self for who you really are, accept it, and then resolve to get yourself in shape - spiritually, financially, and maybe even physically.

It may also make you rethink your personal relationships and habits, and spotlight those that have a positive impact on your life. Without the love and support of my wife, and some extended family and friends, I would not be able to have survived the naked walk I have had to make throughout the early part of 2011. I also learned who my true friends were and to be much more wary of those who support you in your time of success (easy to do).

So I'm back, I have survived both trials. I am happy to be back working with teachers and kids, and excited about the next adventure of further building the all new Nightstand Studios. This humbling has allowed me to take two steps back, establish a new base, and hopefully launch forward to greater heights, with more insanely exciting ideas, and continue to strive to make the world a better place for families.

Everyone can be successful, you just need to be willing to go back and get naked. Put on your Re-birthday suit, and live your best life.

Stay tuned. . .

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful, thank you for sharing. We can all relate to this at some point in our lives, and what is most important is to remember the lesson, so as not to repeat the same miskates. I tend to disagree with the "luck" paragraph; I believe, as the pompous rich man says in Titanic, "A real man makes his own luck". Although on some level I feel we are all guided by the forces that Be, my studies have shown there are human factors directly associated with being "lucky". So don't forget to give yourself some credit for all the "luck" you've experienced! ...as we tip-toe across the line hovering above humbleness =)
