Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy "New" Year?

Hello Friends,

It is September. New Year for those of the Jewish faith, a new school year for those still obtaining knowledge (I hope that is all of us), and a good time to get back into the swing of blogging.

After a fun summer with the family, even through the continually struggling time in our economy, I feel motivated to continue to stay focused on the important things in life.

I was speaking to an old friend regarding peace and happiness, and thought it would be a good way to look at the "new" year.

It is funny how I have conversations like this, when I myself have no financial success to show.
It might be how my wife and I deal with our "poverty" that draws people to look for our secret to peace and happiness.

My views on this and life are simple.

Speculation, Jealousy and Regret are three wasted mental actions.
You can't control what was, what could have been, and what might never be.

You can only control what IS.

If we continue to spend our days (or interactions/experiences) with the sense of what is and with a view on what has brought us here, then we can better orchestrate our desired results from that day/interaction/experience.

Granted, that end result we are attempting to achieve may not be realistic or (unbeknownst to us) be in the best interest of us and our family (you discover this later in reflection).
There will be results of some sort (or a plan of action), and we need will respond in kind to IT! - not to what we hoped or thought the outcome would be.

Keeping that focus on the REALITY of the situation allows us to maintain control - whereas speculation, jealousy, and regret have us theorizing on uncontrollable situations. Viewing the world in this manner will allow us to stand strong and grow from life's ever passing vignettes.

Waste no time on the "what if I". . ."I should have". . . "They didn't. . . " types of dialogue/monologues.

Instead, say. . ."OK, I am here. My next move is in "THIS" direction (or "these" directions), which may have outcomes of x,y, or z. . . but I won't worry about them until I get there."

The world is not static. It is always in a state of evolution, as are we. It is this reason we do not waste time on Speculation.

Your day will go as it was meant to go. Your performance within it will dictate how you come out of it.

There are no negatives, just backwards positives waiting for a mirror to turn them around.

Breathe, Observe, React authentically, and observe some more.
Someone told me "You have two ears and one mouth. . . listen more. . .talk less. . ."
Good advice, that is difficult to remember at times.

Hope this is helpful, and not too preachy. It is not meant to be.
I won't worry myself over whether or not is was received that way. That would be far to Speculative, and lead me to be regretful. . . =)


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